All 3 unique pieces cast from an RMS Olympic pedestal in Ken Marschall's collection. Solid museum-quality resin in a faux oak finish. The newel facings can be ordered in the true Maiden Voyage color of Titanic or Vintage Oak to match your furniture.
Original Olympic carvings have sold for $6,000 recently. The handful of Titanic ones are in museums. Size of the 2 flat ones: 5.5" wide x 18.75" tall. (14 cm x 48 cm) The largest (slightly curved for the front of the big cherub lamp pedestal) is 19.5" x 5.75" (49.5 cm x 4.5 cm)
Full-sized 3-pc. Newel Facing Set
All 3 unique pieces cast from an RMS Olympic pedestal in Ken Marschall's collection. Solid museum-quality resin in two faux oak finishes. The newel facings can be ordered in the true color from the Maiden Voyage of Titanic or in Vintage Oak to match your furniture.
Original Olympic carvings have sold for $6,000 recently. A handful of Titanic carvings are in museums. Size of the 2 flat ones: 5.5" wide x 18.75" tall. (14 cm x 48 cm) The largest (slightly curved for the front of the big cherub lamp pedestal) is 19.5" x 5.75" (49.5 cm x 4.5 cm)